Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Dead Ants Dead Ants Dead Ants...

Not sure if you guys had experienced this because of last week's extremely hot weather, but we had a major case of the ants on Saturday. There's always some spot in your house that they seem to get into, and I can never find where. We had to spray our entire garbage can in the kitchen because of the ants. I finally got tired of seeing them that I decided to try and find their secret access to the kitchen. Right there outside the house was a small crack into the kitchen under the sink that they were climbing into, so I decided to douse the crack with repellent. Next stop will be filling that crack with cement. In the meanwhile we bought some of those ant traps in which ants bring poison back to the colony and kill everyone off. Yesterday we found a few more ants crawling around in the cupboards near the spices and sugars, so after smashing the few of them with my finger, I went outside again to find a long trail of them along the side of the house into another small crack. I literally sprayed along that entire wall to kill everything in sight. There's just something fun about finding a bunch of ants and spraying them with repellant. So here's a tip, check along your house for cracks, and fill them in, so ants and other bugs can't get in.


Nelly Gee said...

Yup, Saturday was definitely an ant day. For the first time in a while, I decided to cook up some stuff. I pretty much cooked up some meat (philly cheesesteaks) that I had in the freezer... a lot of it too. When I was done, I set it out on the counter because I had to go out, and while I was out, my roommate called me and told me that the meat was devoured by ants. And I didn't even get to have a piece. =( Lesson learned... nothing sits outside.

Bern said...

Yikes! Hate ants! Since we have the kiddies, I've been trying to figure out how to kill them or deter them besides poison. I found that baking soda and cinnamon are "natural" deter ants.