February 16, 2008 was a day that I will remember forever. Two days after Valentine's Day I might add. That was the day that I married Rebekah Maureen Hannagan, now Mrs. Reyes. That has a nice ring to it don't you think. It was on that day that Genesis 2:24 became a reality, "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh." Our wedding took place on a beautiful Saturday afternoon at Grace Church of Napa, the church where Becky grew up in with her family. It was only fitting that we would have Jay Palompo marry us. He was there even before the begining of our relationship, as my discipler, our counselor, our ministry leader, and our friend. The church was jam-packed that afternoon. We were expecting about 450 guests. I estimate that there may have been a little over 400 guests. That's the way Becky and I wanted it from the beginning - all of our friends and family there to witness our blessed union. To some people, their wedding day is a big blur. Thankfully that wasn't the case for me. Every moment is forever encapsulated in my mind. I guess that's just the photographer side of me talking. Speaking of which, these are but a few of the pictures people took during our wedding. Just a few days ago we also received the digital proofs from our photographer, so you'll be seeing those soon as well.

1 Comment:
Er, been meaning to comment on the sweet words you coined about your beautiful bride! I'm enjoying the photos since we weren't able to make it to the wedding. :-(
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